— Pelaga - Catur —


Departure: Canggu and Ubud

Our top recommendation for this ride of just over 100km and 1800m of climbing, featuring a 50km-long climb that leads us to Pelaga, the highest bridge in Bali at 1000m asl, and then to Penulisan, the highest road in Bali at 1750m asl. Definitely a difficult ride, somebody once said "this climb is not a joke!". Never too hard to kill you, but for sure far from being easy, beautiful in all aspects and a challenge for (almost) anybody, it can become a real struggle during the last 5km where the average gradient is 9% and almost 500m of elevation difference... and this after 45km of climbing behind! A great ride that goes near the Batur volcano, and finishes in style with a super 30km descent on a very smooth road. A must for any serious cyclist while in Bali.

— Online Tour Reservation —

Book the Pelaga-Catur tour below. We will confirm your reservation via email.